"The King Who is to come; O come let us adore Him."
Rebellion consists in any willful disobedience to
the express commands of our King in order to
gratify our own will, or promote what seems to us
to be our interest. Let us see what such disobedience
It involves a preference of ourselves to God
our King, of our supposed advantage to His glory.
It thus reverses the order of Divine Providence.
The disobedient man places himself, so to speak,
above his King, and, instead of serving his King,
seeks to make his King serve him. He who is Lord
of Heaven and earth is set aside for a miserable
worm, made of the dust of the earth, who is of
no account and nothing. What insolence could
be greater than this?
Every act of disobedience treats as of no account
the Passion and Death of our King. It
deliberately adds to His suffering, and if it is a serious
act of disobedience it in some way shares the malice
and cruelty of those who scourged and mocked
Christ, and put Him to death. St. Paul tells us
that when, after swearing allegiance to Him, we
afterwards join the ranks of His enemies, we
"crucify the Son of God afresh, and put Him to open
shame." What is not deserved by those who are
guilty of such infamy?
Rebellion and disobedience to our King are
also the most frightful ingratitude. Nothing is
more hateful than to return evil for good. When
we think of the most generous sacrifice of Himself
that our King made of His life for us, what
can be more shamelessly base and ungrateful than
to insult and outrage Him in return. Yet this,
(alas!) is what I have too often done.